/ Platform API
Platform API
    Chat Platform API v3
    Chat Platform API
    Chat Platform API
    Version 3

    Send a message

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    You can use this action to send a text message, a file message, or an admin message to a specific channel. Sendbird Chat SDKs and the platform API allows you to upload any type of files in messages to the Sendbird server. See Message Overview for more information on each message type.

    Messages are sent between client devices running the Sendbird Chat SDK or UIKit as well as programmatically from businesses to their customers. For instance, a delivery app can automatically send a message like "Arriving in one minute!" on behalf of a delivery driver.

    HTTP request

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    POST https://api-{application_id}.sendbird.com/v3/{channel_type}/{channel_url}/messages


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    The following table lists the parameters that this action supports.

    Parameter nameTypeDescription



    Specifies the type of the channel. Acceptable values are open_channels and group_channels.



    Specifies the URL of the target channel.

    Sendbird Chat SDK supports dynamic partitioning open channels where an admin message is sent to all subchannels if the subchannel type is set to Multiple. See Open channel to learn more about how dynamic partitioning open channels work.

    Request body

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    The following tables list the properties of an HTTP request that this action supports for sending a text message, file message, and admin message.

    List of properties for sending a text message

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    Specifies the type of the message. The value of MESG represents a text message.



    Specifies the user ID of the sender.



    Specifies the content of the message.




    Specifies a custom message type used for message grouping. The length is limited to 128 characters.

    * Custom types are also used to segment metrics within Sendbird's Advanced analytics, which enables the sub-classification of data views.



    Specifies additional message information. This property serves as a container for a long text of any type of characters which can also be a JSON-formatted string like {"font-size": "24px"}. More details on what can be stored in this field are available here.



    Determines whether to send a push notification of the message to the channel members. This property only applies to group channels. (Default: true)


    string or object

    Specifies the content of a push notification customized for the message. This property only applies to group channels.

    To choose from a push notification content template within your Sendbird application, specify a string value of default or alternative.

    To create a new push notification content tailored to the message being sent, use the properties listed below to specify its title and body in a nested object format.

    * This property overrides the application's default push notification content template or the preference chosen by the user.



    Specifies the title of the custom push notification template. You can customize the title using the variables sender_name and message, which can be later replaced with corresponding real values when the template is sent out as a notification request to FCM, HMS, or APNs.



    Specifies the body of the custom push notification template. You can customize the body using the variables sender_name and message, which can be later replaced with corresponding real values when the template is sent out as a notification request to FCM, HMS, or APNs.

    If not specified, the body by default contains the message content inside the message property.



    Specifies whether to mention specific users or all users in the channel. Acceptable values are users and channel. If set to users, up to ten users in the mentioned_user_ids property below are notified of the mention. If set to channel, up to ten users in the channel are notified of the mention. (Default: users)


    array of strings

    Specifies an array of IDs of the users to mention in the message. This property is used only when mention_type is users.



    Determines whether to send a message without updating some of the following channel properties. If set to true, the channel's last_message is updated only for the sender while its unread_message_count remains unchanged for all channel members. Also, a push notification isn't sent to the users receiving the message. If the message is sent to a hidden channel, the channel still remains hidden. (Default: false)

    * Once the value of this property is set, it's irreversible.



    Determines whether to mark the message as read for the sender. If set to false, the sender's unread_count and read_receipt remain unchanged after the message is sent. (Default: true)


    array of objects

    Specifies an array of JSON objects consisting of key-values items that store additional message information to be used for classification and filtering. Items are saved and returned in the order they've been specified. More details on what can be stored in this field are available here.



    Specifies the time when the message was sent in Unix milliseconds format. This property can be used when migrating messages from another system to the Sendbird server. If specified, the server sets the time of message creation as the property value.



    Specifies the unique ID of the poll to be included in a message. To use this property, the polls feature should be turned on in Settings > Chat > Features on Sendbird Dashboard.



    Determines whether to include all properties of a poll resource with a full list of options in the results. To use this property, the polls feature should be turned on in Settings > Chat > Features on Sendbird Dashboard.

    If set to false, a selection of poll resource properties consisting of id, title, close_at, created_at, updated_at, status, and message_id are returned. (Default: false)



    Specifies a unique ID for the message created by another system. In general, this property is used to prevent the same message data from getting inserted when migrating messages from another system to the Sendbird server. If specified, the server performs a duplicate check using the property value.



    Specifies the bundle ID of the client app in order to send a push notification to iOS devices. You can find this in Settings > Chat > Push notifications > Push notification credentials on Sendbird Dashboard.



    Specifies options that support Apple critical alerts and checks whether the message is a critical alert.



    Specifies the name of a sound file that is used for critical alerts.



    Specifies the volume of the critical alert sound. The volume ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, which indicates silent and full volume, respectively. (Default: 1.0)


    array of objects

    (Deprecated) Specifies an array of JSON objects consisting of key-values items to store additional message information.

    List of properties for sending a file message

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    Specifies the type of the message. The value of FILE represents a file message.



    Specifies the user ID of the sender.



    When sending a single file with a message, specifies the data of the file to upload to the Sendbird server in raw binary format. When sending a request containing a file, change the value of the content-type header to multipart/form-data;boundary={your_unique_boundary_string} in the request.

    Code examples of HTTP multipart request and cURL are provided below the tables for your reference.

    * This doesn't allow a converted base64-encoded string from a file as its value.


    array of objects

    When sending a single file through its URL or sending multiple files, specifies the data of files to upload to the Sendbird server either in raw binary format or by their location. When sending a request containing files, change the value of the content-type header to multipart/form-data;boundary={your_unique_boundary_string} in the request.

    Code examples of HTTP multipart request and cURL are provided below the tables for your reference.

    * This doesn't allow a converted base64-encoded string from a file as its value.



    Specifies the URL of the file hosted on the server of your own or other third-party companies. To send a single file through URL, use this field instead of file. If this url property is specified, the file property is not required.



    (Deprecated) Specifies the URL of the file hosted on the server of your own or other third-party companies. If this url property is specified, the file property is not required.
    * To send a single file through URL, use files.url field instead of file.




    If the file property is used for upload, the name response property is always set based on what the input file is called.



    If the file property is used for upload, the size response property is always set based on the input file size. If no size is supplied, the size response property defaults to 0.

    File size is stored in bytes.



    If the file property is used for upload, the type response property is always set based on the input file type such as jpeg.



    If the files and files.url properties are used, the file_name can be any string you've set to this property. If no file_name value is supplied, the files.file_name property defaults to an empty string.



    If the files and files.url properties are used, the file_size can be set to be any int you've set to this property. If no files.file_size value is supplied, it defaults to 0.

    File size is stored in bytes.



    If the files and files.url properties are used, the file_type can be set to any string you've set to this property. If no files.file_type value is supplied, it defaults to an empty string.


    array of strings or objects

    If the url property is used for upload, thumbnail images aren't automatically generated by Sendbird. However, you can pass an array of strings or objects of external thumbnail image URLs to store a reference to those images in the Sendbird server.



    If the file property is used for upload and the auto-thumbnail generation feature is enabled, up to three thumbnails can be generated by passing the thumbnail1, thumbnail2, and thumbnail3 properties. The value of these properties is a string of the desired height and width in pixels like "100,100".



    Specifies a custom message type used for message grouping. The length is limited to 128 characters.

    * Custom types are also used to segment metrics within Sendbird's Advanced analytics, which enables the sub-classification of data views.



    Specifies additional message information. This property serves as a container for a long text of any type of characters which can also be a JSON-formatted string like {"fileDescription": "an mp3 of a pop song"}. More details on what can be stored in this field are available here.



    Determines whether to require an authentication key to verify if the file is being properly accessed. Only the user who uploaded the file or users who are in the channel where the file was uploaded should have access. The authentication key managed internally by the Sendbird system is generated every time a user logs in to the Sendbird server and is valid for three days starting from the last login. If set to false, Sendbird tries to access a file without any key. To access encrypted files, such as the files in the Sendbird server which are by default encrypted, the property must be set to true. (Default: false)

    The require_auth parameter only works if the file or URL is managed by Sendbird, which means that when you upload files using multipart format or provide URLs that point to the files hosted on the Sendbird server.
    However, if the file is hosted on a server or service that is not managed by Sendbird, access control and authentication for the file should be handled by the respective server or service hosting the file.



    Determines whether to send a push notification of the message to the channel members. This property only applies to group channels. (Default: true)



    Specifies whether to mention specific users or all users in the channel. Acceptable values are users and channel. If set to users, up to ten users in the mentioned_user_ids property below are notified of the mention. If set to channel, up to ten users in the channel are notified of the mention. (Default: users)


    array of strings

    Specifies an array of IDs of the users to mention in the message. This property is used only when mention_type is users.



    Determines whether to send a message without updating some of the following channel properties. If set to true, the channel's last_message is updated only for the sender while its unread_message_count remains unchanged for all channel members. Also, a push notification isn't sent to the users receiving the message. If the message is sent to a hidden channel, the channel still remains hidden. (Default: false)

    * Once the value of this property is set, it's irreversible.



    Setting false allows messages to be sent on behalf of a user without updating the senders read_receipt time. (Default: true)


    array of objects

    Specifies an array of JSON objects consisting of key-values items that store additional message information to be used for classification and filtering. Items are saved and returned in the order they've been specified. More details on what can be stored in this field are available here.



    Specifies the time when the message was sent in Unix milliseconds format. This property can be used when migrating messages from another system to the Sendbird server. If specified, the server sets the time of message creation as the property value.



    Specifies a unique ID for the message created by another system. In general, this property is used to prevent the same message data from getting inserted when migrating messages from another system to the Sendbird server. If specified, the server performs a duplicate check using the property value.



    Specifies the bundle ID of the client app in order to send a push notification to iOS devices. You can find this in Settings > Chat > Push notifications > Push notification credentials on the Sendbird Dashboard.



    Specifies options that support Apple critical alerts and checks whether the message is a critical alert.



    Specifies the name of a sound file that is used for critical alerts.



    Specifies the volume of the critical alert sound. The volume ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, which indicates silent and full volume, respectively. (Default: 1.0)



    (Deprecated) Specifies additional data to store for the specified file in the message.


    array of objects

    (Deprecated) Specifies an array of JSON objects consisting of key-values items to store additional message information.

    List of properties for sending an admin message

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    Specifies the type of the message. The value of ADMM represents an admin message.



    Specifies the content of the message.




    Specifies a custom message type used for message grouping. The length is limited to 128 characters.

    * Custom types are also used to segment metrics within Sendbird's Advanced analytics, which enables the sub-classification of data views.



    Specifies additional message information. This property serves as a container for a long text of any type of characters which can also be a JSON-formatted string like {"font-size": "24px"}. More details on what can be stored in this field are available here.



    Determines whether to send a push notification of the message to the channel members. Unlike text and file messages, a push notification of an admin message isn't sent by default. This property only applies to group channels. (Default: false)


    string or object

    Specifies the content of a push notification customized for the message. This property only applies to group channels.

    To choose from a push notification content template within your Sendbird application, specify a string value of default or alternative.

    To create a new push notification content tailored to the message being sent, use the properties listed below to specify its title and body in a nested object format.

    * This property overrides the application's default push notification content template or the preference chosen by the user.



    Specifies the title of the custom push notification template. You can customize the title using the variable message, which can be later replaced with a corresponding real value when the template is sent out as a notification request to FCM, HMS, or APNs.



    Specifies the body of the custom push notification template. You can customize the body using the variable message, which can be later replaced with a corresponding real value when the template is sent out as a notification request to FCM, HMS, or APNs.

    If not specified, the body by default contains the message content inside the message property.



    Specifies whether to mention specific users or all users in the channel. Acceptable values are users and channel. If set to users, up to ten users in the mentioned_user_ids property below are notified of the mention. If set to channel, up to ten users in the channel are notified of the mention. (Default: users)


    array of strings

    Specifies an array of IDs of the users to mention in the message. This property is used only when mention_type is users.



    Determines whether to send a message without updating some of the following channel properties. If set to true, the channel's last_message is updated only for the sender while its unread_message_count remains unchanged for all channel members. Also, a push notification isn't sent to the users receiving the message. If the message is sent to a hidden channel, the channel still remains hidden. (Default: false)

    * Once the value of this property is set, it's irreversible.


    array of objects

    Specifies an array of JSON objects consisting of key-values items that store additional message information to be used for classification and filtering. Items are saved and returned in the order they've been specified. More details on what can be stored in this field are available here.



    Specifies the time when the message was sent in Unix milliseconds format. This property can be used when migrating messages from another system to the Sendbird server. If specified, the server sets the time of message creation as the property value.



    Specifies a unique ID for the message created by another system. In general, this property is used to prevent the same message data from getting inserted when migrating messages from another system to the Sendbird server. If specified, the server performs a duplicate check using the property value.



    Specifies the bundle ID of the client app in order to send a push notification to iOS devices. You can find this in Settings > Chat > Push notifications > Push notification credentials on Sendbird Dashboard.


    array of objects

    (Deprecated) Specifies an array of JSON objects consisting of key-values items to store additional message information.

    TextFile: HTTP multipart requestFile: using cURLFile: specifying URLAdmin
    # Request body example
        "message_type": "MESG",
        "user_id": "Aaron",
        "custom_type": "vote",
        "message": "Hey, what do you think of our front page? I created three new designs, can you check them out? www.sendbird.com",
        "mention_type": "users",
        "mentioned_user_ids": ["Jay", "Benjamin", "Aiden"],
        "poll_id": 2510,
        "include_poll_details": true,
        "sorted_metaarray": [
                "key": "design",
                "value": ["A", "B", "C"]
        "push_message_template": {
            "title": "New message in channel"
            "body": "{sender_name}: {message}"
        "apns_bundle_id": "com.cca.MyChatPlain",
        "apple_critical_alert_options": {
            "sound": "bell.aiff",
            "volume": "1.0"


    Copy link

    If successful, this action returns a message resource in the response body.

    Note: Sendbird Chat SDK supports the generation of a URL link preview within a message if the given URL has Open Graph (OG) tags, which are included as an og_tag property in your response. This feature is turned on by default for Sendbird applications. If this isn't available for your Sendbird application, contact our support team to enable the feature.

    TextFile: HTTP multipart requestFile: using cURLFile: specifying URLAdmin
    # Status: 200 OK
        "message_id": 273778828,
        "type": "MESG",
        "custom_type": "vote",
        "channel_url": "sendbird_group_channel_6037267_600ddc81a5e23049c804193370d47217fa2ed5f9",
        "user": {
            "user_id": "Aaron",
            "nickname": "Raptor",
            "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_53_512px.png",
            "metadata": {
                "font_preference": "times new roman",
                "font_color": "black"
        "mention_type": "users",
        "mentioned_users": [
                "user_id": "Jay",
                "nickname": "Rooster",
                "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_13_512px.png",
                "metadata": {
                    "font_preference": "times new roman",
                    "font_color": "black"
            ... # More mentioned users
        "is_removed": false,
        "message": "Hey, what do you think of our front page? I created three new designs, can you check them out? www.sendbird.com",
        "translations": {},
        "data": "",
        "sorted_metaarray": [
                "key": "design",
                "value": ["A", "B", "C"]
        "poll": {                   // When include_poll_details is set to false,
            "id": 2510,             // only a selection of poll resource properties is shown.
            "title": "Front page design",
            "status": "open",
            "allow_user_suggestion": true,
            "data": "",
            "allow_multiple_votes": true,
            "created_at": 1544421551,
            "updated_at": 0,
            "created_by": "Aaron",
            "voter_count": 0,
            "close_at": 1625810317,
            "options": [
                    "text": "A",
                    "created_at": 1544421551,
                    "updated_at": 0,
                    "created_by": "Aaron",
                    "vote_count": 0,
                    "poll_id": 2510,
                    "id": 3872
                    "text": "B",
                    "created_at": 1544421551,
                    "updated_at": 0,
                    "created_by": "Aaron",
                    "vote_count": 0,
                    "poll_id": 2510,
                    "id": 3873
                    "text": "C",
                    "created_at": 1544421551,
                    "updated_at": 0,
                    "created_by": "Aaron",
                    "vote_count": 0,
                    "poll_id": 2510,
                    "id": 3874
        "message_events": {
            "send_push_notification": "receivers",
            "update_unread_count": true,
            "update_mention_count": true,
            "update_last_message": true
        "created_at": 1544421761159,
        "updated_at": 0,
        "file": {}
        "is_apple_critical_alert": true

    In the case of an error, an error object like below is returned. See the error codes section for more details.

        "message": "\"Channel\" not found.",
        "code": 400201,
        "error": true