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Chat SDKs Flutter v4
Chat SDKs Flutter
Chat SDKs
Version 4

Search messages by a keyword

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Message search allows you to retrieve a list of messages that contain a search query or a specified keyword in group channels by implementing MessageSearchQuery. The query retrieves a list of messages that contain a search keyword.

Note: Punctuations and special characters are ignored while indexing, so unless they're being used for advanced search functionalities, they should be removed or replaced in the search term for best results.

You can create the query instance in two ways. First, you can do so with the default values.

final query = MessageSearchQuery(keyword: 'keyword');

Or, you can create an instance by changing the property values to your preference.

final query = MessageSearchQuery(keyword: 'keyword')
  ..channelUrl = 'channelUrl'
  ..limit = 10;

Then, the query retrieves a list of match results and calling the next() method returns the next page of the results.

List<BaseMessage> messages = await query.next();

Use the hasNext property to see if there is a next page.


Use the isLoading property to see if the search results are loading.


Advanced search allows the SDK to create and support complicated search conditions, improving search results. Search functionalities such as wildcard, fuzzy search, logical operators, and synonym search are supported for the keyword parameter. You can use these functionalities by setting advancedQuery to true. See the advanced search section in our Platform API Docs for more information.

  • Wildcard: Include ? or * in search terms. ? matches a single character while * can match zero or more characters.

  • Fuzzy search: Add ~ at the end of search terms. Fuzzy search shows similar terms to the search term determined by a Levenshtein edit distance. If your search term is less than two characters, only exact matches are returned. If the search term has between three and five characters, only one character is edited. If the search term is longer than five characters, up to two characters are edited.

  • Logical operators: Use AND and OR to search for more than one term. The logical operators must be uppercase. You can also use parentheses to group multiple search terms or specify target fields. If you want to look for search terms in not only the content of the message but also specified target fields of the message, such as custom type or data, you can specify the field and search term as a key-value item.


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You can build the query class using the following parameters which allow you to add various search options.

Parameter nameTypeDescription



Specifies the search term.

* Special characters and punctuations aren't indexed, so including them in the keyword may return unexpected search results.



Specifies the URL of the target channel.



Specifies the custom channel type.



Specifies the number of messages to return per page. Acceptable values are 1 to 99, inclusive. (Default: 20)



Determines whether to search for messages that exactly match the search term. If set to false, it returns partially matched messages that contain the search term. (Default: false)



Restricts the search scope to the messages sent after the specified value in Unix milliseconds format. This includes the messages sent exactly on the timestamp. (Default: null)



Restricts the search scope to the messages sent before the specified value in Unix milliseconds format. This includes the messages sent exactly on the timestamp. (Default: null)



Determines which field the results are sorted by. Acceptable values are the following:
- score (default): the search relevance score.
- timestamp: the time when a message was created. (Default: score)



Determines whether to sort the results in reverse order. If set to false, they will be sorted in descending order. (Default: false)



Target fields of the query to set as the search scope. (Default: [])