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Chat SDKs Flutter v4
Chat SDKs Flutter
Chat SDKs
Version 4

Cast or cancel a vote

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You can cast or cancel a vote by passing PollVoteEvent as an argument to a parameter when calling the votePoll() method. Use the optionIds property of the votePoll() method to update the user's final vote choice for a poll. This overrides previous vote actions, so to update previous votes, pass new pollOptionIds as a parameter. To cancel votes, pass an empty list as pollOptionIds.

try {
  final pollVoteEvent = await channel.votePoll(
    pollId: POLL_ID,
    pollOptionIds: [POLL_OPTION_IDS],
  // To apply the vote result to the poll, You need to to these.
  // 1. Find a poll by pollVoteEvent.messageId and pollVoteEvent.pollId.
  // 2. Call userMessage.poll!.applyPollVoteEvent(pollVoteEvent).
} catch (e) {
  // Handle error.