Live SDKs JavaScript v1
Live SDKs JavaScript
Live SDKs
Version 1
Sendbird Live for JavaScript
With Sendbird Live for JavaScript, you can easily turn your app into a streaming platform with essential messaging features and customizable React UIKit for Live. Try using Live Studio on Sendbird dashboard to set and test live events without writing code.
Video and audio specifications
- 1080p video resolution
- 60 video frames per second
- VP8 video encoding
- Aspect ratio management
- Camera switching
- Content streaming by multiple hosts
- Opus audio encoding
- Audio auto-gain control
- Mono and stereo support
- Echo cancellation
- Noise suppression
Most popular
Start your first live
Start a live event with customizable and ready-made UI. Up to 100K participants can join.
Create a live event
Create a live event to start streaming supported by low latency WebRTC.
Change the state of a live event
Change the states to get ready, start, and end a live event.
RTMP support
Stream using a professional camera or external software.
Add custom items
Add information about a live event as custom items.