Desk SDKs JavaScript v1
Desk SDKs JavaScript
Desk SDKs
Version 1

Customer fields

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Customer fields enables you to save additional information of a customer, and there are two ways to save information. Additional information can be added by your agents on the Sendbird Dashboard or by your customers from a client app.

Note: Refer to Prerequisite before saving additional customer information.

Store additional information of a customer

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Use setCustomerCustomFields() method to let your customers save additional information about themselves directly from their app. The information must consist of a field and its value, and only the field already registered in Settings > Customer fields on the Sendbird Dashboard can be used.

        gender: 'male',
        age: 20
    (error) => {
        if (!error) {
    // The additional information of the customer is saved.
    // Some fields can be ignored if their keys aren't registered in the dashboard.
    // Values aren't saved if they don't match the data type of their fields.