Chat UIKit React v3
Chat UIKit React
Chat UIKit
Version 3

Theme resources

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A theme is a style that's applied to your entire app, activity or view hierarchy rather than an individual view. By default, Sendbird UIKit for React provides two themes: Light and Dark. Customized themes that fit your brand identity can also be created by changing the style and color set.

import App from "@sendbird/uikit-react/App";
import "@sendbird/uikit-react/dist/index.css";

const MyApp = () => {
    return (
        <Route id={'/chat'}>
            <App userId={userId} appId={appId} theme="dark" />

Set up the theme

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UIKit for React provides two themes: Light and Dark. Its themes can be applied using the App and SendbirdProvider components.

Light theme

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This is the default Light theme for UIKit if another theme hasn't been specified.

Background color

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The background color of each component in Light theme ranges from Background-50 to Background-300.

Texts and other element colors

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The following image shows the color scheme used for texts and other elements on light backgrounds.

UI elements and status colors

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Primary-main and Secondary-main colors are used to highlight UI elements such as icon buttons, outgoing message bubbles, and read receipt icons. Error-main is used for warnings and Information-light is currently used for a status banner indicating frozen channels.

Dark theme

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A dark theme is a user interface designed for low-light environments, featuring primarily dark surfaces. It serves as an alternative option to the default light theme, presenting dark-colored surfaces throughout much of the interface.

The Dark theme is as shown below:

Note : The global theme should be configured prior to setting the view controller or creating a chat view.

Background color

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The background color of each component in Dark theme ranges from Background-400 to Background-700.

Texts and other element colors

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The following image shows the color scheme used for texts and other elements on dark backgrounds.

UI elements and status colors

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Primary-light and Secondary-light colors are used to highlight UI elements such as icon buttons, outgoing message bubbles, and read receipt icons. Error-light is used for warnings and Information-light is currently used for a status banner indicating frozen channels.

Theme anatomy

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The images below show the combination of background and text colors used in the Light and Dark themes.

Light theme

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Dark theme

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The images below show the various colors used to indicate different states in the Light and Dark themes. For Pressed and Selected states, the background color is either Primary-light or one level higher than that of the Enabled state.

Light theme

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Dark theme

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