Chat UIKit iOS UIKit v3
Chat UIKit iOS UIKit
Chat UIKit
Version 3


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To protect members or participants from unsafe content and harmful language, Sendbird provides a variety of moderation methods. These methods include the ability to mute and ban members or participants, freeze channels and assign channel operators.

Mute and unmute

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Mute is a feature that allows operators to mute certain members in a channel. Muted members can stay in the channel and are allowed to view the messages, but they can’t send any messages until the operators unmute them. In order to use this feature, a channel must have at least one operator.

Group channel

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Sendbird UIKit for iOS provides customizable UI elements of the mute feature in group channels. These elements are found in the group channel view, channel member list view, muted member list view, and moderation view.

Open channel

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Sendbird UIKit for iOS provides customizable UI elements of the mute feature in open channels. These elements are found in the open channel view, channel participant list view, muted participant list view, and moderation view.

Customize the UI for mute in channel view

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The SBUGroupChannelViewController class and SBUOpenChannelViewController class allow you to compose a group channel and open channel view. Muted members or participants can see that they are muted in the channel when they try to type a message in the input component of SBUGroupChannelViewController or SBUOpenChannelViewController.


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You can customize the UI for mute shown in the input component through SBUStringSet. The SBUStringSet is a set of strings used to compose the screen. You need to modify the stringSet values in advance if you want to make changes to the screen.

Property nameDescription


A placeholder to indicate that a message can't be entered in the input box when the channel member is muted.

Customize the UI for mute and unmute in user list view

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The SBUUserListViewController class allows you to retrieve a list of users in a specific channel. An operator can mute users in the channel user list view and unmute them in the muted user list view. In open channels, muted status won't appear in the participant list. The UI elements related to this feature are customizable.


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You can customize the UI for mute and unmute in the user list view through SBUStringSet. The SBUStringSet is a set of strings used to compose the screen. You need to modify the stringSet values in advance if you want to make changes to the screen.

Property nameDescription


A text for Mute.


A text for Unmute.


A text for Muted members.


A text for No muted members in an empty muted member list.


A text for Muted participants.


A text for No muted participants in an empty muted participant list.


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You can also customize the UI for mute using the SBUUserCellTheme in the SBUUserCell class. The following table shows customizable theme properties in the SBUTheme.


Member state


The Background color of muted members.

Member state


The tint color of the muted icon.


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The following table shows a customizable mute icon.



Muted state

Customize the UI for mute in moderation view

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The SBUModerationsViewController class allows you to compose a moderation view where channels and users can be managed. A list of muted members or participants can also be found in this view. For further information, refer to the moderate group channels and members or moderate open channels and participants page.


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You can customize the UI for mute in the moderation view through SBUStringSet. The SBUStringSet is a set of strings used to compose the screen.

Property nameDescription


A text for Muted members.


A text for Muted participants.


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The following table shows a customizable mute icon.



Muted state

Ban and unban

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Ban is a feature that allows operators to kick certain users out of the channel and prevent them from entering. Banned users aren't allowed to enter the channel again until the operator unbans them. In order to use this feature, a channel must have at least one operator.

Group channel

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Sendbird UIKit for iOS provides customizable UI elements of the ban feature in group channels. These elements are found in the channel member list view, banned user list view, and moderation view.

Open channel

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Sendbird UIKit for iOS provides customizable UI elements of the ban feature in open channels. These elements are found in the channel participant list view, banned user list view, and moderation view.

Customize the UI for ban in user list view

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The SBUUserListViewController class allows you to retrieve a list of users in a specific channel. An operator can ban users in the channel user list view. The banned users will be removed from the channel user list and moved to the banned user list. If operators wish to unban users, they can do so in the banned user list view. The UI elements related to this feature are customizable.


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You can customize the UI for ban and unban in the user list view through SBUStringSet. The SBUStringSet is a set of strings used to compose the screen. The SBUStringSet is a set of strings used to compose the screen.

Property nameDescription


A text for Ban.


A text for Unban.


A text for Banned users.


A text for No banned users in list.

Customize the UI for ban in moderation view

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The SBUModerationsViewController class allows you to compose a moderation view where channels and members or participants can be managed. A list of banned users can be found in this view. For further information, refer to the moderate group channels and members or moderate open channels and participants page.


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You can customize the UI for ban in the moderation view through SBUStringSet. The SBUStringSet is a set of strings used to compose the screen.

Property nameDescription


A text for Banned users.


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The following table shows a customizable ban icon.



Banned state

Channel operator

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Channel operator is a feature that allows you to assign an operator for a channel. The operator is authorized to ban and mute users as well as freeze channels. They play an important role in moderating users with abnormal activities.

Group channel

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Sendbird UIKit for iOS provides customizable UI elements of the operator feature in group channels. These elements are found in the channel member list view, operator list view, and moderation view.

Open channel

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Sendbird UIKit for iOS provides customizable UI elements of the operator feature in open channels. These elements are found in the channel participant list view, operator list view, and moderation view.

Customize the UI for channel operator in user list view

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The SBUUserListViewController class allows you to retrieve a list of users in a specific channel. You can assign or unassign a user to be an operator in the channel user list view. When a user is assigned to be an operator, the operator label will appear next to the user’s name on the channel user list. They'll also be added to the operator list. The UI elements related to this feature are customizable.


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You can customize the operator UI in the user list view through SBUStringSet. The SBUStringSet is a set of strings used to compose the screen.

Property nameDescription


A text for Register as operator


A text for Unregister operator


A text for Operators

Customize the UI for channel operator in moderation view

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The SBUModerationsViewController class allows you to compose a moderation view where channels and members or participants can be managed. A list of channel operators can be found in this view. For further information, refer to the moderate group channels and members or moderate open channels and participants page.


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You can customize the operator UI in the moderation view through SBUStringSet. The SBUStringSet is a set of strings used to compose the screen.


Channel Settings


A text for Operators.



A text used when the user is an operator.


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The following table shows a customizable channel operator icon.



Channel operator

Freeze and unfreeze

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Freeze is a feature that pauses channels and only allows operators to talk. When a channel is in a frozen state, only channel operators can send a message while all chat functions are temporarily turned off for the rest of the users who are not operators. Sendbird UIKit for iOS provides customizable UI elements of the freeze feature. These elements are found in the group channel view, open channel view, channel list view, and group channel moderation view.

Note: Operators can only freeze group channels in the moderation view. To freeze open channels, you need to turn on the feature through the Sendbird Dashboard.

Customize the UI for freeze in channel view

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The SBUGroupChannelViewController and SBUOpenChannelViewController classes allow you to compose a group channel and open channel view. Frozen channels have a state banner in the view that indicates that the channels are frozen.


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You can customize the UI for freeze shown in the state banner using SBUChannelTheme in the SBUTheme class. The state banner, which indicates that a channel is frozen, can be customized through the SBUChannelTheme. The following table shows its customizable theme properties.


State banner


The text font of the state banner.

State banner


The text color of the state banner.

State banner


The background color of the state banner.


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You can customize the UI for freeze in the group channel and open channel view through SBUStringSet. The SBUStringSet is a set of strings used to compose the screen.

Property nameDescription


A placeholder to indicate that a message can't be entered in the input box when the channel is frozen.


A text to be displayed in the state banner for a frozen channel.

Customize the UI for freeze in channel list view

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The SBUGroupChannelListViewController class allows you to compose a channel list view. Members can see which channels are in a frozen state in the list component of SBUGroupChannelListViewController. The UI elements related to this feature are customizable.


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You can customize the UI for freeze in the channel list view using SBUChannelCellTheme in the SBUTheme class. The following table shows customizable theme properties in the SBUChannelCellTheme.


Channel State


The tint color of the freeze state mark element.


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The SBUIconSet contains the icons that are used to compose the screen.



Frozen state

Customize the UI for freeze in moderation view

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The SBUModerationsViewController class allows you to compose a moderation view where channels and members can be managed. An option to freeze or unfreeze a group channel can be found in this view. To freeze an open channel, go to the Sendbird Dashboard. For further information, refer to the moderate group channels and members or moderate open channels and participants page.


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You can customize the UI for freeze in the moderation view through SBUStringSet. The SBUStringSet is a set of strings used to compose the screen.

Property nameDescription


A text for Freeze channel.


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The following table shows a customizable freeze icon.



Frozen state