A class representing query to retrieve previous message list for a channel. The query can be get by calling sendbirdChat.openChannel.createPreviousMessageListQuery() or sendbirdChat.openChannel.createPreviousMessageListQuery().


  • default
    • PreviousMessageListQuery


channelType: ChannelType

A channel type.

channelUrl: string

A channel URL.

customTypesFilter: null | string[] = null

The custom type filter of the message.

includeMetaArray: boolean = false

Whether the meta arrays should be included in the results. If the value is null, it follows the default value.

includeParentMessageInfo: boolean = false

Whether the information of a parent message should be included in the reply messages included in the results.

includeReactions: boolean = false

Whether the reaction data should be included in the results. If the value is null, it follows the default value.

includeThreadInfo: boolean = false

Whether the thread information should be included in the results. If the value is null, it follows the default value.


The maximum number of data per queried page.

messageTypeFilter: MessageTypeFilter = MessageTypeFilter.ALL

Message type filter.

replyType: ReplyType = ReplyType.NONE

Determines the reply types to include in the results.

reverse: boolean = false

Indicates whether the queried result will be reversed. If true, the result will be returned by creation time descending order.

senderUserIdsFilter: null | string[] = null

Sender user IDs filter.

showSubchannelMessagesOnly: boolean = false

If set to true, only messages that belong to current user's subchannel is fetched. If set to false, all messages will be fetched. Default is false. Takes effect only when the requested channel is a dynamically partitioned open channel.


  • get hasNext(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether there is a next page.

  • get isLoading(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether the current query is in communication progress with server.


  • Returns Promise<BaseMessage[]>

    Requests query result for the previous messages.