A GroupChannelCollection instance allows you to swiftly create a channel list view that remains up to date on all channel-related events. This page explains how to draw a view using the collection.
You can create a GroupChannelCollection instance through the createGroupChannelCollection() method.
First, create a GroupChannelListQuery instance through the SendbirdChat.createMyGroupChannelListQuery() method and its setters. This determines which channel to include in the channel list and how to list channels in order.
A GroupChannelCollection instance retrieves more channels to display in the view through the loadMore(completionHandler:) method.
Whenever a scroll reaches the bottom of the channel list view, the hasMore method first checks if there are more channels to load. If so, loadMore(completionHandler:) fetches them.
The loadMore(completionHandler:) method should also be called after you've created a GroupChannelCollection instance.
class CustomViewController: ViewController {
var collection: GroupChannelCollection?
// ...
func loadMore() {
guard let collection = self.collection else {
// Check whether there are more channels to load before calling loadMore().
if collection.hasNext {
collection.loadMore { channels, error in
if error != nil {
// Handle error.
// Add channels to your data source.
This is called whenever a new channel is created as a real-time event or changelog sync is prompted when the client app is back online.
The following table shows possible cases where each event handler can be called.
Called when
- A new group channel is created as a real-time event. - New group channels are fetched through changelog sync.
- The channel information that is included in the user's current chat view is updated as a real-time event. - Channel info update is detected through changelog sync.
- A group channel is deleted as a real-time event. - Channel deletion is detected through changelog sync.
class CustomViewController: UIViewController {
func createGroupChannelCollection() {
// First, create a GroupChannelListQuery instance.
let query = GroupChannel.createMyGroupChannelListQuery { params in
params.includeEmptyChannel = true
params.order = .chronological // Acceptable values are chronological, latestLastMessage,
params.includeMemberList = true // channelNameAlphabetical, and channelMetaDataValueAlphabetical.
params.includeMetaData = true // You can add other params setters.
params.includeFrozenChannel = true
// Then create a GroupChannelCollection instance.
self.collection = SendbirdChat.createGroupChannelCollection(query: query)
// Set the delegate.
self.collection?.delegate = self
extension CustomViewController: GroupChannelCollectionDelegate {
func channelCollection(_ collection: GroupChannelCollection, context: ChannelContext, addedChannels channels: [GroupChannel]) {
// Add new channels to your data source.
func channelCollection(_ collection: GroupChannelCollection, context: ChannelContext, updatedChannels channels: [GroupChannel]) {
// Update the existing channels in your data source.
func channelCollection(_ collection: GroupChannelCollection, context: ChannelContext, deletedChannelURLs: [String]) {
// Delete the channels with the matching deletedChannelURLs
// from your data source.