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APIs for better customer communications

Build a modern messaging experience inside and outside your app that supercharges customer reach, engagement, and satisfaction.

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Scale with Sendbird’s industry-leading platform

Business and engineering leaders choose Sendbird for enterprise-level scale, security, and compliance. Our reliable, global infrastructure gives you peace of mind to focus on product and customer experience.

Sendbird platform visual mobile

6 Billion+

End users

7 Billion+

Monthly messages


Global developers

Build your products, using ours

Choose Sendbird’s award-winning products to enjoy higher message deliverability, open, and conversion rates.
Intuitive APIs, sample apps, tutorials, and free trials make it easy to get started.

1 Reach

Business Messaging

Send one-way, omnichannel messages to your customers. 
Save money with critical messages sequenced by channel (including SMS and messaging apps). Make money with beautiful messages that persist in your app.

Sendbird Business Messaging
2 Engage

Chat, Voice, Video

Enable two-way, group conversations among your users.
Significantly improve your user engagement and retention rate with in-app chat, voice, and video capabilities.

Sendbird Chat and Calls
3 Support

AI chatbot

Power autonomous conversations with artificial intelligence.
Deploy a custom AI chatbot trained on your data and processes. Watch productivity and customer satisfaction scores soar.

Sendbird AI Chatbot

Developers at heart

Sendbird’s chat API, voice API, video API, native chat SDKs, feature-rich platform, and ready-made UI components make developers more productive. We take care of a ton of operational complexity under the hood, so you can power a rich chat service plus life-like voice and video experiences—without worrying about features, edge cases, reliability, or scale.

  • iOS
  • Android
  • JavaScript
  • Flutter
  • Platform API
            import UIKit
import SendbirdChatSDK

let initParams = InitParams(applicationId: "APP_ID", isLocalCachingEnabled: true)

SendbirdChat.initialize(params: initParams, migrationStartHandler: {},
	completionHandler: { error in
		FeedChannel.getChannel(url: "FEED_CHANNEL_URL") { channel, error in	
			self.collection = 
SendbirdChat.createNotificationCollection(channel: channel, startingPoint: 
Int64.max, params: params, delegate: self)

See how other businesses have deployed Sendbird

Digital leaders customize a differentiated, modern messaging experience with Sendbird. Explore the variety of ways by industry, team, and use case.

A complete ecosystem by your side

Sendbird offers multiple ways for you to get professional services and support, to maximize your success.

Customer success

Get personalized care, from onboarding through renewal.

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Technical services

Get even more value out of your investment via solutions engineers.

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